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A great excuse to call in sick


It’s 5:30 a.m. and I have supper cooked. Soup beans, corn on the cob and cornbread. Directly, I will wake my young sleeping beauty, who has a vacation day from school. She will be shocked that there are towels waiting to be folded, a dishwasher that needs unloading and clothes that need to be hung out on the line. Such is life.

fall 2I will type out this column as quickly as I can because a wonderful phenomenon waits outside my doors to be explored. It is the seasonal occurrence called fall, and it has finally arrived in northern Georgia.

I have been cooped up my house for weeks. I have barely been in the sky, and the polish on my Lester is less than brilliant. Finally, the recent rains have subsided, and the weather folks promise at least of week of beautiful clear blue skies. I can hardly contain my joy!

Fall is my favorite time of year. The humidity drops. The haze of summer fades, and the light takes on a golden quality that makes even the dullest of objects glow. Fall is a good time to fly and a good time to polish. This week, I hope to do a little of both.

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