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Will my engine benefit from new technology?

Q: The O233 LSA engine uses the new E-mag electronic ignition that they say advances the timing to 38° BTDC, much like other systems. Does this much spark advance also have Lycoming’s blessing for the O320 and O360? I realize that the spark advance is rpm and manifold pressure controlled.

LYLE FORSGREN, via e-mail

A: Lycoming is putting forth an all-out effort to focus on new technology and the electronic ignition system is probably one of the first results of its efforts. I’m certain we can look forward to several new exciting things like this to enter the marketplace in the not-to-distant future. While we all understand the market is a bit down, it’s quite evident more concentrated efforts are being put on research and development during these slow times. While it may be difficult to justify the expense during difficult financial times, the rewards will come for all of us as the industry rebounds and this new technology is incorporated into the products of the future. Hopefully, the engines currently in operation will be the recipient of some of this new technology as retrofittable options.

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