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Who expected a tornado?

I've been going to Sun ’n Fun every year since 2002, which has caused me a lot of grief in the past. That's because my son's birthday is April 8, which fell right in the middle of the festivities many years. But this year, no grief from that quarter. That's because, for the first time, Johnny was finally old enough to come to the show with me (and, even better, the dates of the fly-in were changed, meaning we'd be home for his birthday so he could celebrate with family and friends). But who knew that my relief from that guilt would be replaced with a different kind of guilt. That's because I sure didn't think that the first time I brought my son to Sun ’n Fun we'd have a tornado. Continue Reading »

===> Posted on June 12th, 2011 by Janice Wood. No comments. © GAN 2011.