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Lend a helping hand, get a helping hand

Just for the sake of argument, let's assume that you and I are neighbors or, at the very least, friends who have a common interest. We know each other. We're not all that close, but we recognize each other when we pass in the supermarket aisle, and we're comfortable making small talk. Given that sort of a relationship, it wouldn't be shocking if I was to give you a call or shoot you an email, or even ask you while we loitered in the frozen foods section, if I could borrow your snow blower for an hour or so on Saturday. Mine is on the fritz and the shop says they need to order a part from Somewhereorotheristan, and apparently they ship primarily by donkey there. Continue Reading »

===> Posted on November 8th, 2011 by Jamie Beckett. No comments. © GAN 2011.