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New iPhone App: Test Prep on the Go

Newcastle, WA—Study and preparation for FAA Knowledge Exams just became much more portable and is now as close as your iPhone.

ASA’s new iPhone app, Prepware Private Pilot is a comprehensive preparation, study and test tool for the Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Exam. With more than 1,000 questions, answers and explanations the application allows you to study by subject or with true-to-form practice tests. The app features an intuitive, user-friendly interface with test question figures accessible by a simple tap of the screen. The app is also great for Flight Review prep, or as a refresher of the fundamentals pilots need to keep in their mental flight bag. Includes Airplane, Rotorcraft, Glider, Lighter-Than-Air, Powered Parachute, and Weight-Shift Control tests.

The app is compatible with the Apple iPhone® and iPod Touch® mobile digital devices and is available in the iTunes® App Store for $9.99. Locate the app by searching on the keyword “Prepware” or simply browsing the Education category.

Prepware Private Pilot is the first in a suite of test preparation apps soon to be available for all FAA Knowledge Exams. Other types of apps are also in the works at ASA. Visit or the iTunes® Store and see what’s new!



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Private Prepware for iPhone

